Would you forgive his actions? (TW: molestation)

Before we got married, when we were dating, my husband told me what he did. When he was twelve, he touched a young girl on her vagina over her panties. He didn't know what he was doing was illegal, his reasoning being that he was curious. When it was found out he knew he'd fucked up and plead guilty. He was sent to juvie for two days so people could ensure that he wouldn't run away. He did all the work he needed to make amends, such as attending therapy, and now has been to court again getting his record sealed. He hates himself for what he did, and almost killed himself for it when he was young and found out that what he did was bad. He was so scared I was going to break up with him when he told me, especially since I have experience with molestation, having been molested myself at a young age. I feel so sorry for him. What about you? If you were in my situation, would you have been forgiving?

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