No big O during sex anymore


This may be TMI but I will be 26 weeks on sunday..

Ever since I got pregnant my hubby and I have a lot less sex than before. Maybe once a week or once every 2 weeks.

Whenever we do have sex though, I have a hard time enjoying it.

He almost never does foreplay on me anymore, once in the past 6 months, and I can only truly O by myself.

Maybe I just feel really unattractive and that's my issue.

This pregnancy has already added about 25 lbs and I have various veins so bad they are constantly bulging down my legs which I find gross.

Any advice or help would be great.

I need to add, hubby never makes me feel ugly either, he always reminds me that I'm carrying a baby and "eating for 2" and i can lose it after baby boy arrives.

Hes always been great at making me feel loved.

I feel like I'm in a funk