Dumb question about weight loss


So I’m 5 months pp with baby #4, I’m 5’8, I usually weigh around 145. I gained 43 pounds this pregnancy and so far have lost 33. The last 10 pounds have been stubborn to come off and this last month I seemed to have hit a plateau. I’m EBF. I got down to 157 but the last few weeks I go back up, then down by 2-3 pounds. This week my lowest weight was 158. Two days later I’m at 160.

I know it’s normal for weight to fluctuate every day. My question is, do I count 158 as my weekly weight or do I count 160? Also, what else can I do to get the last 10 pounds off? I’ve been trying to eat a high protein/low carb diet as much as possible. I drink basically only water (coffee with cream in the morning, sometimes a small glass of wine at night) I exercise a couple times a week.

Thanks for reading!