Delaying Vaccines - Update !

Alyssa • 30 FTM to beautiful baby girl !

hello! first off, i’m not anti-vax. i will be vaccinating but i am simply wondering about a delayed schedule and if anyone has used it. please don’t be mean or rude.

my husband and i bought dr. paul thomas’ book, the vaccine friendly plan and our baby has her 2 month check up today and will be getting shots.

the cdc’s schedule of 6 shots seems excessive and i’m not sure if i want her to get them all at 1 time.

i’m a first time mom just looking for inpu

edit -

thank you all for the responses. i was freaking out because 1) she was gonna get shots 2) i was gonna go by myself, my husband was working 3) i just want to do what’s best.

i spoke to our pediatrician when we got there and he stated that delaying them isn’t advised. he said that the schedule is there for a reason and delaying would cause more pokes - which most of you said.

she got 2 shots and 1 oral vaccine, and my husband was able to get there in time.

she’s currently sleeping and cuddling on my chest. she did surprisingly well and i didn’t cry as much as i thought i would. thank you again for all the input - i really appreciate it !