
Hi ladies I’m 24 and I basically went into the real estate field because my parents kept pushing that on me since I didn’t know what I wanted to do, now being in the business for about 2 years, I personally don’t enjoy it. Never knowing when you’ll make income is so stressful anyways fat forward to now. Me & my bf have been together 7 months and he always express how happy he is that we bought have our “careers” how we can start our life since we’re both set.

I’ve been depressed and want to branch out to other things I get I’m just so scared of disappointing everyone.

I’m scared my partner will feel some type of way because he always told me how proud he was that I have a career

Just needed to vent ladies

Oh! And I recently expressed this to my mom and she started bashing me saying I knew what I was getting myself into, I have to work my ass off. The thing is- I’m not happy in this field