Unsympathetic husband.


My grandfather (who I was extremely close to) passed away this last March from multiple myeloma. The last few weeks of his life were very hard to watch. We have also been trying to get pregnant this year and I finally tested positive 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately I just had a chemical/miscarriage and I feel like I can’t be upset about it. It’s been a hard year of loss for me.

My husband has a hard time processing emotions and doesn’t understand why it might take me more than a day or two to “get over it”. So I just don’t express any emotion about it around him. He thinks it’s no big deal and we can just try again. He’s upset that I’ve been bleeding so long because we haven’t had sex in over a week. I am so disappointed that he’s just not there for me. Has anyone else been through this? I feel so alone right now.