In my feels about breastfeeding

Casey • March 2019 👦🏻 August 2021 👼🏻 July 2022 👶🏻

Baby had issues breastfeeding from day one so I exclusively pumped which didn’t provide enough for him so we supplemented. I tried every day to get him to latch and one day at about 5 weeks he did. We kept up with the formula and bm because he still was acting hungry after the breast. A couple weeks ago he started refusing the boob completely (just screaming/won’t latch). So here we are at 4 months old and I think we are done... it is not what I wanted but I can’t listen to him scream for 30+ minutes because he doesn’t want the boob.

It doesn’t matter what I have eaten and he drinks normal formula so pretty sure it’s not dairy. Idk just feeling a bit sad that it was so short