Breast feeding causing harm(Facebook topic)


Hey mommas

So I was in this breastfeeding support group that a "friend" tagged me in. In one of the posts a mom said that her baby was pooping blood and she took her to the pediatrician and the oed said that the enzymes in her breastmilk could be affecting her brain. I commented and I said that I would temporarily put my child on formula up until I have another pediatrician consult me about it. Fast forward the same day the husband of that friend contacted me(he was my best friend). He said that I dont have a right to give an opinion on a fb post where a mother was asking for help and what would other mothers do. I told him "you can't remove enzymes from breastmilk" and that it was my opinion. He said "stop the ignorance, you are not a doctor, a lactation consultant nor a certified nurse, so stop giving people stupid advice cause your daughter is not even here yet" was I really wrong? I'm a nursing student and I know a bit but idk if the baby might have a rare condition, I just rather be safe than sorry. It bothered me so much to the point where I blocked him and his wife and got out of the breastfeeding groups. Like just cause my baby isn't born yet, I don't get to have a say on how I'm gonna do things or give out advice?