Born at 35 weeks 5 days
Kinda a long post!
This is my second baby- my son was born in December 2016 via csection after 36 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing for him to be “stuck”.
On Friday June 21- I went in for a regular Ob appointment. He asked if I had any concerns- I said no and that I was having a lot more Braxton Hicks over the last week or so. He decided to check me (even though I was only 35 weeks). Shockingly to both of us he tells me I’m 7cm dilated! He tells me to go directly to the hospital (of course the one day my husband doesn’t come with me). I get to the hospital, and still 7cm with contractions. Since I was in premature labor they gave me a round of steroids in case she was born early. After 12 hours no changes and the contractions are spaced too far apart. After 20 hours no more contractions (they stopped on their own). At 24 hours they give me the last round of steroids and send me home. (I had no idea you could be sent home at 7cm!) I’m taken out of work (I’m a paramedic) and told to hang out at home, not on strict bed rest to decrease the chance of blood clots.
On July 24- I go in for a follow up at 9am. I’m still 7 cm- and have 2 options: be admitted in the hospital until I deliver or see the doc 2 times a week. I was too early to be induced. I chose the option of seeing him 2 times a week. At about 1pm I started having contractions again, nothing different than before but something in my gut told me to go to the hospital. I packed more than what was in my hospital bag as I planned on being there for the long haul as that is whAt they told me would happen if I went back in. I get to the hospital about 3pm- thenurses said I looked different than I had in the past ( I was there a month ago for falling down flight of stairs and then the few days before) . I change , they check and I’m at 8cm!!! I was quickly admitted and told we should have a baby in about an hour (that was easy!). We were also prepared for baby to go to the NICU. Well about 8pm- I was finally 10 cm dilated with my pain only 6/10 so I refused an epidural (with my first it took 3 attempts to get it and I was only numb from the knees down). They couldn’t break my water because she wasn’t engaged in my pelvis and they didn’t want to cause a prolapsed cord. They started me on pitocin to try to engage her. About 1am they broke my water- contractions became intense but I figured i could get it over with before the time it would take for an epidural. At 1:58 she was born in 2 pushes making my vbac successful! She laid on my chest for an hour and didn’t spend any time in the NICU! We went home 2 days later.
Kaylee was born June 26 (due July 26).
5 pounds 7 ounces. 18 inches long!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.