HELPP give advice tell me what to do

I guess I just need to vent. idk. idk whats wrong with me. curiosity killed the cat because I decided to just look at my husbands google activity for no reason other than to snoop and be nosey. and realized hes been watching porn every weekend that I work and every morning before I get up. so I confronted him about it. I'm not mad at him about watching it. I'm mad and hurt bc when I asked him he lied straight to my face. I mean looked me into the eyes and was like no wtf you searched that and tried to blame it on me. and I mean that shit hurt. he lied to me, something I never expected. doesnt help I'm 30 weeks pregnant and do not feel sexy at all. I mean before I got pregnant I didnt feel sexy. I'm overweight and I just have let myself go since I had our twins. but now all I can think about is does he want someone better than me, he tells me no he loves me but I really feel so ugly now. like not just my face but my body too all of it. every inch of myself u find disgusting compared to the women in the videos hes been watching. how do I get myself past this? how do I know he hasn't talked to anyone? I trust him with every inch of my being. but now that I know he doesnt have a problem lying about something this simple wtd else could he be lying about??