Extreme fatigue

Has anyone else experienced extreme fatigue at the end of pregnancy? I’m talking worse than that first trimester tiredness all over again. I took a unisom last night to help sleep and feel like that is contributing to today’s tiredness.. but omg it’s so hard to even function and I have a bday dinner to get to in 2 hours 😫

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Me !!! Can’t sleep enough or eat enough 😅


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Due tomorrow and been so tired for a good month probably more. I have a two year old whom I need to care for and I’ve felt so guilty I don’t have the energy to play with her the way she wants


Sarah • Jul 20, 2019
Same here. Weve been doing a lot of sitting activities like playdough or painting.


Posted at
39 weeks here. I'm antsy and can barely stay asleep most nights but I pass out and nap like alllllp day and evening.


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39+3 and all although I have so so much I could be doing to help prepare for her arrival I have literally alternated from the bed to the couch for like 3 days 😴😴😴


Amanda • Jul 20, 2019
Same! Walking hurts and bothers me I just want to sit and lay.


Posted at
Me!!!!! I’m waking up every hour at night. Horrible