Culture Appropriation?


Background: my (white) best friend and I really love the Twilight series lol. It started as a joke but kind of evolved into a whole thing and a part of our friendship. Well today she sent me this image and said she might want to get it as her next tattoo. We were talking about it and I want opinions- it’s the marking symbol of the fictional Native American tribe in the Twilight saga 😂 Not real, written/designed by a white woman. Culture Appropriation or nah? Bad taste? I don’t want to hear personal opinions on if you think the tattoo itself is stupid or ugly or whatever because quite frankly we don’t care/it wouldn’t change her mind. Just: do you think it’s “okay”? Or unacceptable?

Edit timeeee thanks for the responses y’all i actually had no idea it was based off of a real tribe! That obviously changes things, my friend just told me they were fictional and I believed her. Also, this tattoo would never be for me 😂 A, I wouldn’t get a tattoo from a book/movie (esp Twilight lol), B, even if the tribe was fictional it would still be too much on the risky side for me. I learned some new things today and I appreciate those who could educate without being judgmental 😊 My friend is still talking about getting it, let’s just see where this goes