Trying to stay happy for my bf...

We’re pretty young, and he just got his first job. He’s very busy as is and now that he has this job he’s even busier. He barely texts me, usually only late at night and by then he’s so tired he falls asleep in minutes. And I see him even less than I text him. It’s such a sudden switch from texting and seeing each other a lot, it’s so difficult to deal with. I’ve been seeing my friends more but some days I just miss him so much. I’m trying so hard to stay strong and not show that i’m upset because I don’t want my boyfriend to feel bad about moving forward in his life! It’s just so difficult because for over a year I’ve gotten used to texting him often and seeing him 3-4 times a week, it’s such a sudden change. I’ll get used to it soon, I hope :/