Husband's dominant behavior?

Abigail • 24. Newlywed. Mommy to my rainbow baby boy💙💚💛💜🖤💝

I recently gave birth to our beautiful baby boy, however the hospital trip didn't go as planned.

My mother showed up ( I asked her, it was my first baby) and immediately my husband started picking fights with her then me when I was 7.5 cm dilated.

He kept on doing this till birth (after 36+ hrs of labor) and insisted my mom wasn't giving us space (she was).

Fast forward a few hrs and he goes at it again, even bringing social workers into the mess. At this point I was exhausted and just couldn't deal with it anymore. Then he started fighting with my mom again when we got home because she was trying to give me ( a new mom) advice (she's had 5 kids). He just didn't want her to be there even though we had talked about it. Oh, and he didn't even help me through labor, he slept most of the time. Was he out of line?