How do you do it?


My boyfriend is almost done with boot camp. He’ll be a sailor by the 26th and I couldn’t be more proud. We have our future planned out and everything seems hunky-dory but I’m scared. I’m so scared for the endless deployments, I’m so scared for the many nights completely alone, I’m so scared that friends and support will be hard to come by. Praying and speaking to god has helped but it’s not mortal communication and contact ya feel? I am a very shy yet smiley person irl, making friends is somewhat hard for me yet I know that’s what I’ll need the most when going through nights of loneliness to distract myself. I find it hard to text people or start conversations and even when I’m comfortable calling the person a friend I am scared to be a bother.

So after spilling all of my concerns my question is, how do you handle being a military s/o with no kids and no family to lean on to when traveling with your husband to wherever he stations? Finding support groups are obvious and getting connected to the military community is a given, but is everyone is as friendly as they make it seem? Will you actually find like-minded people and friends? These are probably silly questions but they’re genuine worries I have.