I'm back, and I did it.


I just want to say I did it.

I was in an abusive relationship. Never physical just verbal and emotional.

It was the worst year and 6 months of my life. I was convinced that everything would work out. That everything would eventually work itself out. It never did.

I became pregnant. I thought surely things will be different now.

Things never changed.

I had a son. His dad almost missed it. I thought things would change, they almost did. (July 27th 2018)

Fast forward to January 2019.

Our lease was up and we got a house. I was pretty excited for this new change. But someone quickly brought me down. I lived there for 3 weeks. In those 3 weeks I learned so much.

My son and I moved back to live with my parents at 6 months of age. Since then, my son is happier as am I. I'm regaining my confidence and personality is slowly coming back to life. I'm working again, not under the best circumstances, but it gets my Bill's paid.

I found love again, and by golly does he adore me and my son.

I just want to say that there is hope. There is a chance of a better life. Dont keep pushing it aside, if you're not happy talk about it and if things dont change, seriously consider walking away. You deserve the best.

My son is almost One. I can't believe we have overcome a rough battle, but I learned so much.