1 week after delivery....


At 9:21 it will be exactly 1 week since I delivered our sweet 10 pound baby boy Jameson Reese O’Brien into the world ❤️

It was a long day of labor, including 3 hours of pushing and then ending with me developing preeclampsia (I lost 50% of my blood volume & had to have a transfusion on Monday). Followed by waiting 6 days for baby’s tongue tie to be fixed so he could nurse correctly.

It’s been an emotional week. But my husband and are over the moon in love with our little family and would do it all over in a heartbeat.

Just a reminder for all you ladies out their still waiting for your July babies... bring a care package for your man (pack of water, snacks galore, a good pillow and blanket). They are gonna be the rock that gets you through the worst contractions and they need the extra love and care on those first few days just like you too.
