Sleep questions

My son is 6 months, nearing 7, last night he woke me up crying in his sleep. Twice. The only way to soothe him was to let him lay on my chest. He has done this once before a few months ago....should I be worried? Additional information: I think he has a cold(going to call pediatrician Monday morning), but I'm not sure if that would have anything to do with that? Whatever he has, seems to have made him a bit more clingy than usual as well. (I don't mind, just sad my little man doesn't feel well.)

Edit: my son sleeps through the night, he roots around still looking for nips. He only wakes up if I take too long to let him latch. He's been like that since he was 2 months old. *we do cosleep. It's my personal choice. Way too paranoid because of things that happened before he was born.* My concern is not that he wakes me up. My concern is that he's crying in his sleep. Almost as if he's having a nightmare. I assume that's all it is, then? I didn't think babies had dreams or nightmares??