Terrified of twins

Destini • Married to the best husband ever! 💍Pregnant with baby #1 💜🤰💙

I'm 5 weeks today and I feel HUGE. I'm super bloated. I've already abandoned wire bras and gone strictly to sports bras because my normal DDs are too small. Cant wear my jeans with my belt anymore cause it hurts my belly. (I have 19 horses and need to wear Jean's for as long as possible lol)

My husband and I were ttc for over a year. I know how ungrateful this may seem, especially because there are people like us who are or were struggling to conceive and would love to have twins, but I'm TERRIFIED OF HAVING TWINS. So much so that I called my dr and asked for a 6 week ultrasound to make sure there isn't 2. They laughed and said it would be too early to make sure.

I feel giant. Like enormously bloated. Is it normal to feel like this at 5 weeks and only have 1 baby? Obviously, if we are pregnant with twins, we will just keep on keepin on, but holy crap am I TERRIFIED of the possibility of having twins as a first time mom.