Post partum hypertension


Has anyone developed high BP in late pregnancy/preeclampsia and then struggled to lower BP after delivery?

I’m on labetalol, nifedipine and losartan still at 13 weeks postpartum. My dr started lowering my meds when it seemed controlled but now it’s spiking every night for hours sometimes in the 160 and 170/100 range.

Now he’s on vacation and his partners aren’t even answering my messages. 🤬. I’ve been to the ER 3 times since delivering and I know I’m out of the 6 week danger zone so I’m trying not to freak out. They don’t seem at all concerned...and the previous times I’d called they just said to take an extra pill, so that’s what I did. Would be really nice though if they called back as the 170 reading really scared me. It’s back down to 130/80 now, but I need to get this controlled to care for my son.

Earlier this week I got complacent and ate lunch with a friend at a restaurant. It was the only salt I’d really eaten in a month because I’m trying to be so good. AND I got my period...2nd since baby. The combination has had me spiking for the last 3 nights. I’m barely eating now bc everything has salt and I don’t want to risk it and what I do eat is super plain and healthy. I’ve lost 5 lbs this week and I’m not even on a diuretic.

I’m 10lbs overweight according to my BMI but I’m also a 38H bra so I think the BMI is a little unfair.

Appreciate any hypertension management experiences.