Sex with SO


So im 12 weeks today and for the past couple weeks my poor husband has been trying to get intimate and I've been denying any advances. Not because I don't actually want to. But bcuz I'm afraid I might do something that'll cause complications to our little bean. I've read that sometimes spotting happens and that alone freaks me out. I've gone this pregnancy with no spotting at all, thanks be to God. And I guess I'm not sure what to do. Given in to our feelings or wait it out until further along

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Sex is perfectly safe unless you've been told otherwise by your health care provider. Spotting can be scary but you already know it's a possibility so don't freak out! It's only because of how sensitive your cervix is. Just tell him to take it easy and you'll be fine. Enjoy that part of your relationship, it's important! If you're really on edge, don't do anything you're not comfortable with but talk to your doctor.


Claudia • Jul 21, 2019
Thank you :)


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Funny to stumble on this just now. I am 8+4 today, we have 1x since conceiving. In the past i would have major cramps during/after O so i knew to just wait it out.I have not been having any spotting etc and feel amazing! Have had no urges to be intimate so we didn't. BUT this morning i felt the urge and took that as a sign my body knew it would be fine. Well no cramping and no spotting!The point is, trust your body and your intuition.


Claudia • Jul 21, 2019
This is great advice. And yes womans intuition knows best sometimes


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I was like this for my first, but now with my third I know the spotting is so minimal and it’s ok! Enjoy your husband ❤️


Claudia • Jul 21, 2019
This is my first so I think I'm just freaking out because I don't know what to expect! I know our intimacy is just as important in the pregnancy


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I’m 9w5d, the first couple weeks I found out I was scared about spotting after sex, now we’ve had sex numerous times since then and no spotting whatsoever! Some people do, but maybe you won’t! Like others said, unless your provider told you for some reason to wait, I say go for it. If you do spot, it can be very normal, but my bet is you don’t 😉💕


Claudia • Jul 21, 2019
Thank you hun. Yes our provider gave us the good to go so maybe I'm just overwhelmed lol


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I’ve had spotting throughout my pregnancy so far off and on and I’m 8 weeks and 1 day I had intercourse with my fiancé and saw brown blood after. My obgyn said it was normal because my cervix is sensitive but it freaked me out so much I keep denying my fiancé’s advances as well. I know this doesn’t help much but I just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel.


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Your baby is snugly protected by the amniotic sac and the strong muscles of your womb (uterus), while the thick mucus plug that seals your cervix helps to guard against infection.


Franciscah RN, Bsc,PgDip,MPH, PHD......uploading • Jul 22, 2019
Lol well u can read as much research as u like but if ur not 100% accepting of that then it wount happen. I hope you accept nothing will happen n enjoy all the sex pregnancy perks


Claudia • Jul 22, 2019
I keep telling myself that. But I also just want go be 100% confident when we become intimate. Last thing I need is me ruining the moment because I'm freaking out too much


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I’ve been struggling with this as well. My husband and I would have sex at least 3 times a week and since I found out I’m pregnant we haven’t at all. I’m nervous because my last pregnancy I miscarried. This pregnancy I have spotted a few times so I’m nervous sex will make me spot more and I will freak out. Besides that I’m constantly sick all day and all night and I’m exhausted we have three kids now. I feel bad but keep thinking I will cave soon. He’s been supportive but makes comments that I don’t “touch” him anymore. Just want to get to 12 weeks and I will feel better physically and mentally.


Claudia • Jul 22, 2019
I know what you mean. I'm at 12 weeks now and I'm still worried. Especially when I start feeling crampy I'm like oh my God no. But I'm positive to think that it's just the stretching going on. Rooting for you love


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Ur husband's penis has to literally be shaped a specific way and pointy to damage anything