Measuring behind..


So I am wondering if anyone else measured behind/had slow progressing pregnancy.

I had my LMP May 14th and based in temps, fertility monitor and OPK, ovulation occured on June 11th CD29. Though one app is saying CD31

I got a super faint positive on 11dpo. ( Based on CD29 ovulation) On 14dpo went in for bloodwork.

Here are the results of all my bloodwork I've had

June 25th: Hcg 11

Progesterone 2.2

June 27th: Hcg 29

Progesterone 4.2

July 3rd: Hcg 129

Started on progesterone 3/day vaginally

July 8th: Hcg 361

July 10th: Hcg 563

US with empty uterus. (though I thought I say the start of gesterational sac

July 15th: Hcg 1238

Gestational sac measuring 5 weeks 1 day, no yolk sac. Based on O should be 6 weeks 4-6 days)


2nd US

1st US