Too little sleep?


FTM here. I think my newborn is getting too little sleep and I don’t know how to help. She fusses and fights naps throughout the day (takes 1 or 2 naps that are 2, rarely 3 hours, and maybe a 45 minute nap) and is awake for 2-3 hours in between). Literally every piece of material I’ve found says that newborns should be awake for 45-60 minutes at a time and that’s it.

She’ll be 3 weeks old tomorrow. She does pretty well at night. Sometimes waking every 3 hours other times sleeping way longer (she’s actually slept through the night one time already).

My two big concerns are 1) sometimes by the time she goes to sleep for a nap it’s basically time hat she should have another feeding, so as a result she isn’t eating enough times. We struggle to get to 8 feedings a day. 2) She’s definitely not sleeping 16-18 hours a day and during her long awake times she’s not just being a happy, awake baby. She’s fussing and upset quite a bit.

Does anyone have any tips? I know I’m being too hard on myself and that she’s still adjusting to the world, but eating and sleeping are so important for her development that I feel like I’m letting her down by not being able to help her sleep better.