Have any body heard fetus implanted inside the wall but not on wall?


I am 5 weeks 5days. I have heavy bleeding yesterday with big clots passing. I have been to ER. Bleeding didn't stop for almost 12hrs. ER did my first ultrasound and they found abnormal implantation which they haven't even heard before. They said Radiologist see it implanted inside the wall of uterus rather than on the wall. Which is weird. But when they had a talk to my obgyn on call she want convinced though. My hcg was 5200 on that day that's 20th July. Hcg was 1783 on 15th July and 838 on 12th July. They wanna see where my hcg going on Monday and wants to hold till then. And ER said that at hcg 5200 we should be definitely able to see sac which they haven't. No one is sure what's going on. I have a history of ectopic pregnancy 2yrs back. I am tooo worried.

Please pour your thinking about it. I couldn't think any thing now. Just praying.

Have any body heard any thing like that? Any postive stories after heavy bleeding with clots?