Today has been AWFUL.


It started out GREAT.. we went for a family walk at 6am (even though it’s 100 outside)

And enjoyed each other’s company on the couch talking. Then.....

We decided to go get McDonald’s and go to the store to get stuff to make dinner...

I got my frappe at McDonald and the girl didn’t put the lid on all the way..

Well it slipped ALL OVER MY BRAND NEW CAR. I mean can you imagine cleaning up a frappe?? Thank god my car is mostly leather but damn was it sticky. So cleaning it out in 100 degree weather, in the parking lot was fun. Ohh and they got my order wrong as well

So here we are shopping and getting our stuff and I’m just trying to keep calm. My husband is like “you’re so calm cleaning up all that mess”

So we get home and decide to put the baby down for a nap and do the “deed” to try and get labor started...

Well an hour goes by and I decide to start cleaning up the house since we are having company over. My child is already fussy since she didn’t take a long nap and decided she wanted to color..

well I went to go pick up the Air wick off the counter that I unplugged ( mind you, it’s completely full) and dropped the whole entire thing on the floor.

I stood there for a minute thinking WTF did I just do.

Well now my house smells so strong and giving me a headache. Taking me forever to clean it all up. UGHHHHHHHH

AND HERE IT IS 39 weeks pregnant and no contractions after sex, bouncing on my ball and going for a walk. I’m done.. DONE

And here I am googling “is clumsiness a sign of labor” hahahah jk jk

And now I have to entertain my lovely in laws in a little bit..