Baby girl born at 34 weeks and 4 days


This will probably be pretty long but I really wanted to share my experience. On Monday July 15th I had a doctor's appointment to get blood test results I went in and everything was good then my doctor measures my belly and I'm at 30 when I was just 32 a few days prior and was supposed to be 34. So my doctor sent me to their other location to get a growth scan done and see what was going on. When I get the scan they confirm that her body was measuring at only 30 -31 weeks but her head measured 34. Then they listened to the blood flow of her umbilical cord and found that the blood was backflowing into the placenta. They didn't give me a name for the disorder but they told me she was extremely high risk for still birth if we didn't get her out ASAP. They also told me that she wouldn't tollerate labor very well and I would end up most likely needing an emergency c section if I were to be induced. So with that they put me on constant heart monitoring and gave me 2 steroid shots over the course of 48 hours for her lungs. We made it the full 48 hours and on Wednesday July 17th at 6:17 pm my baby girl Zelda sage was born weighing 4lbs 2oz and 17" long. When she came out my doctor said she had the cord wrapped around her neck so tight that my doctor had to cut it to get it off and get her out. She also told me that if I had gone into labor before we caught this she most likely would've passed away before I ever made it to the hospital. She is in NICU now doing very good she has been breathing on her own since birth. She has a feeding tube that will be taken out in a few days and then we just have to wait for her to gain weight she also had phototherapy done for jaundice but she got done with that today. We couldn't be more blessed or thankful