Was he telling the truth?

I’ve been talking and hooking up with this guy for a little over a month now. At first I thought it was just a hook up but we’ve been hanging out a lot. Not just to hook up, but to go places, hang with his friends, etc. Last night we went to a party and we were both drunk. For a good portion of the time he had me sit on his lap, even made out with me, and told me he turned away two girls for me (he likes to joke). We ended up going out to another party after and on our way I asked him what we were. And he told me that he likes me, he likes being around me, he likes how I treat him and make him feel, and he’s comfortable with me. BUT he said he doesn’t want to jump into something fast because he’s gotten really hurt before and he doesn’t want that to happen again. He always tells me “we’re gonna have to wait and see” when I ask him what’s happening. So I asked him if that’s why he always says that and he said “yes” as if I finally cracked the code. Idk how truthful this is though when someone’s drunk? Everything he said makes sense. I’m just not sure??

Forgot to add that I’d joke around and say he just wants me around for sex and he got a little upset and said if that’s what he really wanted he’d just get anyone. Meaning I’m not there just for that.