Baby fell...

So before I even start please don’t straight up start judging me. I’m a teenage stay at home mom. We just moved about a week ago and my LO is having a hard times sleeping by herself and adjusting so I’ve been getting NO sleep. I was trying to get her to fall asleep before I put her in her crib and I fell asleep and I was so tired... I woke up to her on the floor, screaming, between my bed and her crib. WHICH ARE BOTH WOOD. I picked up her and obviously started panicking and was crying. I then sit on the bed and she grabs my remote and instantly starts laughing and playing. I don’t feel an knots, there’s no bruises. She hasn’t vomited, her eyes look fine and she is no longer crying or acting uncomfortable. Someone please reassure me.

I don’t need any negative comments. I already feel like a terrible mom.