Advice please.

I’m not divorced yet, I’m not even separated yet. I want to be. I want to leave our little town we live in, I want to go to school. I got married young and never had independence or got to whore around. Don’t get me wrong I love him, a lot but he has been there through so much and I just want to leave so bad. I told him our marriage was not going to last I tried to leave before but he told me he was going to kill himself or cry and I felt like I had to stay. I told him again I wanted to leave, I was gonna go move in with a friend and it was a complete 180 (which is normal when I tell him I want to leave then 3 weeks down the road it’s right back to square one) he was okay to move out of the town, closer to my college, and he wanted to do this and this. He has lied to me so much and I don’t know if it is true. I don’t know what to do 😭