Bf left me

My bf of 3 years left me with my 2 month old baby last night. :( we live in apartments n he even threw the key to theroof of the highest apartments its 3 floors. Now i need to find a job to make money n even tho i feel sad n i dnt wanna leave my baby at my moms since shes still little i have to.. I hate myself for giving him so many chances. He would hit me i feel so stupid now n i feel even more dumb bc i still miss him but i want to forget about him. We were having sex n he asked me abt my first time bc he said it turns him on so i was like r u sure u wanna know n he was like yea so i told him n then i guess he ended up getting mad n he started telling me about how when he came to us from mexico he had sex with some skinny girl n he carried her n since she was skinny it felt good n stuff n i got mad since i didnt even ask n thats where it all started... Idk why all the bad stuff happens to me...