Fractured, broken wrists ????


I’ve had a Nasty fall where I landed on my hand and I have badly hurt my wrist. I have had 2 lots of x-rays and a CT scan, The first x-ray was inconclusive due to lots of swelling. They think I have fractured my scaphoids and gave me a brace however I am still in a lot of pain. My question is for those of you who have broken or fractured your wrist can you kind of describe to me what it felt like and if you had any issues with ligaments tendons or muscle afterwards. I have been waiting over a week now for an answer on what they plan on doing and if they’re going to put it in the past or not and the pain is getting worse. Any stories you might have to share on broken bones I’d love to hear of the Internet isn’t really helping and doctors don’t have any helpful answers for me at this stage. Thank you