22 weeks w/ lightning crotch...

Courtney • First child beautiful son born 5/6/2015. Second son born 9/8/2016. Third son born 3/9/2018. Baby #4 heaven baby Sept 2018. Rainbow Twins due thanksgiving 2019!

I’m 22 weeks with so/do twins and have been having lightning crotch for a few days that seems pretty regular and moderate intensity. Idk if it’s common this early in twin pregnancy but with my singletons I don’t remember this starting till near the end with them.

Everything has been checking fine. I had my cervix measured 2 weeks ago and it was crazy long so I don’t think I’m dilating but worried I won’t make it full term or close to full term. This will be babies 4&5 in less than 4 years.

Is this common this early or am I kind of the only one?