It hurts

Kitawney • Momma to a little girl 08/08/20❤ Momma to an angel May 09, 2019👼

I miscarried my baby back in May 2019 at 11w1d and it broke my heart. It was my first ultrasound. They showed me my baby and then said they couldn't find a heartbeat. It broke me. I'm still trying to heal and everyone says it gets easier with time. I thought I had come to grips with the loss of my child but, I dont think I have. I just started crying because I felt like there was some way to prevent that from happening. Like I could've done more. I feel like I failed as a mother because I couldn't keep my baby. It hurts so bad and I dont know if this heartache will ever go away. I haven't cried over my angel since I had the miscarriage. So, please someone...does this get easier with time? Am I even considered a mom anymore because I dont have my child here to prove it? I'm sorry I'm just so distraught and hurt right now that I dont know what to do.