Pregnancy and food.


Hello im on my 5 pregnancy. Im praying for this to be my rainbow baby, or babies im 6 weeks pregnant. Im excited and worried all wrapped up in one. The first time i was pregnant i had no morning sickness i only made it two 11 weeks then miscarried. Second pregnancy i only had morning sickness if i didnt eat as soon as i woke up that pregnancy made it to 36 weeks them my son was still born my next two pregnancies i had no morning sickness or food aversions at all. This one though lucky number 5 im praying.... i was having morning sickness after dinner every day... then about two weeks ago the hormones from this one has decided to tell me im VEGAN. Meat? Nope. Cheese? Nope. Milk? Nope nothing from animals. My one exception i have found is tortilla chips and tortillas they have lard which is cow fat but beside that nope. Anyone else had a similar problem...?