Older and desperate-r.


So...really losing hope at 44 after multiple failed IVFs at 42 (poor responder, only 1 per round, each one made it to day 5 but nothing to freeze) and maybe 10 IUIs now. Nothing wrong but age. Feeling desperate and tempted to go to The Center For Human Reproduction. They seem like the only place in NYC that can give HGH and claim they can bring the response up to 3-4 eggs per round. Four rounds are cheaper if you do a package up front, $41,000 but more like $80,000 with the drug costs etc., about $20K less than without the package. They got a woman pregnant and she delivered a healthy baby via her own egg at 48. So tempted but I have gotten such a thumbs down from 5 other top clinics. I am being pushed to donor eggs by almost all other places due to age. Ack. Anyone have success at the Center for Human Reproduction? This all suuuuuucks.