
Soooo advice please: ... .

I’ve had two successful pregnancies before my ob told me I would probably NEVER have children again after a miscarriage .. then out of nowhere my third daughter came about and once she was here he literally said she healed me! This was great news for my new fiancé and I (other 3

from previous bad relationship ish). Buuuut we’ve now been trying for 3 YEARS 😳


9 mo unprotected before I was pregnant with my first daughter

9 mo unprotected (after healing) and boom second daughter

6 months unprotected and a miscarriage

Doctor says I can’t have children

Celibate for awhile then one night stand 😬

Boom third daughter on the first night 😳🤗

Superstar single mom for a sec

Flash forward new AMAZING soul mate best friend!

3 YEARS unprotected and NOTHING!! Is it me? 😂 what are we doing wrong? 😳