Child pushing

My daughter is 2, almost 3. She doesn’t have siblings and we don’t really have family with little kids. So I take her to McDonald’s when she behaves well. I took her today, but I’ve noticed she’s become very pushy. As in pushing kids. She was playing with older kids and they pretended to faint when she pushed them and she laughed, but she started pushing little kids. She’s a big girl, most people confuse her for a 3-4 year old. Anyways I didnt see her push a boy but that boys sister came to me and told me. She got all excited cuz an older girl was playing and chasing her, and I saw her and make her arm into a hook, she put her arm around the girl and pushed her down, the little girl being about 1 1/2. I grabbed her hand and made her apologize, then I sat her down and told her It was not okay to push any kids. She just nodded and she did what she always does when I tell her not to do something, she ignored me completely. In the end we ended up coming home because she couldn’t behave. I honestly don’t know what to about her behavior. She doesn’t listen to me at all. I don’t know what can help or what to do. I know they’re called the terrible twos for a reason but am I not supposed to take her anywhere til she turns 18? This parenting thing is kicking my ass. And I also don’t want to be the parent that spanks her and terrifies her til she listens to me 😭😭😭 help!