Potentially delivering at 34weeks


Heads up long post. Sorry.

I am currently 29w4d with di/ di girls. My girls have been measuring a little small for a while now, about 2months. I have been seeing MFM. Things got to the point where he wanted me to come in every 10days. Baby B is the one the were concerned most about. She was measuring the smallest and has marginal insertion. Yesterday they measured both of them again(last measurements were done 2weeks ago), Baby A's growth rate dramatically decreased and it seems here blood flow to the placenta is struggling. They gave me a steroid shot yesterday and today. He now wants me to come in twice a week. He thinks it could be the start of preeclampsia. So before every visit they are going to test my urine. At any given appointment he could end up admitting to monitor me and the girls daily. I am so overwhelmed right now and trying to think of what I should have packed in my hospital bag that i need to keep in my car at all times. Plus our baby shower is this Saturday, and last Saturday we had a storm damage our house where the nursery is.