So little can mean so much ❤

Johanna • 27 y/o RN. Engaged since 18 dec 2013 and ttc:ing (on and off due to previous work) since April 2014.

We've been trying to get pregnant on and off for +5 years. I've been really sad about us not succeeding, especially the last two. Fiance knows I've taken OPKs ofcorse but he's always been more "it'll happen when it happes" or "the more we think about it, the more well jinx ourselvs". Probably ovulating this Friday and today when I went to bed there were a new pack of OPKs on my nightstand. Went out to the living room asking if he bought them for me (dumb question I know 😄)and he just said "Yeah, you use those right?". It meant the world to me seeing that he actually do want this as much as me and that he's just been trying to lower the pressure on us ❤