Possible membranous VSD


I am 16 weeks with pregnancy #4. None of my other pregnancies made it past 7 weeks and none had a heartbeat. This one has been smooth sailing from day 1 (I saw an RE who started me on thyroid meds and baby aspirin before conception and I still take those things daily so maybe that did the trick). Yesterday at our 16 week anatomy scan everything was looking good and the tech had no cause for concern, but when the doctor came in after reviewing the images he wanted to look for himself and he said that he thought he saw a “small membranous VSD” which could close on its own in utero or in early life, but just in case he wants me to get an echocardiogram and speak with a genetic counselor in case it could be linked to a chromosomal abnormality. My nuchal and NIPT results were all great. Is he just being overly cautious? Can anyone speak to this? I’ve read about other women being told about VSD’s and being sent for an echo, but not to a genetic counselor. I’m 32. Thoughts?