BFP need advice please don’t skip


Back story- we started trying for a baby in June of 2017, not expecting it to take long since we are both healthy and active and only 23 years old. We had just gotten married in October 2016 and we’re ready. Fast forward to February 2018 we got a faint positive which turned into a miscarriage. I was completely devastated. Went into a dark place. We continued to try and were both tested but was told it was just timing. Fast forward to July 2019 3 days before my birthday I took a test just to confirm I wasn’t before getting X-rays done and BAM it was positive at 6pm after peeing and drinking all day. I was shocked so shocked I took another and still positive, the following morning I took a digital and it said pregnant. I can’t help but feel like I’m going to do something wrong that every time I wipe I’ll se blood and be devastated all over again. I don’t think I can handle it a second time. Does anyone have any kind words of advice to help me get over this feeling of something is going to happen. I’m a first time mom and couldn’t be more nervous already even though this was planned and wanted. Thank you in advance.

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Posted at
That is such a strong positive, the test line is darker than the control line so that means you have so much hcg in your system it’s taking dye from the control line that’s such a good sign. I also had it now I’m 13wks2ds pregnant and everything is absolutely great. The risk of miscarrying decreases every week and once you see the first heartbeat it decreases a lot. Praying you have a healthy pregnancy x


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Pregnancy after loss is so hard. My best advice is to try your best to take it a day at a time. Be kind to yourself and realize that of course you'll have some anxiety after having been through loss before and knowing that pain.I had 6 early losses before having my son. The pregnancy with him was so hard emotionally. I remember thinking "I'm not bleeding. I'm not having any debilitating cramps. I have no reason to believe something is wrong. Until I have proof something is wrong I'm going to try to enjoy this pregnancy. If I lose the baby in a week having worried about it now won't lessen the pain then. Worrying now will only steal the joy I could have now. This might be the only time I get with this baby to be happy. I'm not going to waste it." So for the rest of the first trimester I just repeated it to myself over and over that "I'm not bleeding. I'm not having severe cramping. There is no reason to believe anything is wrong. I'm going to assume it is all OK until I have proof otherwise." I still worried, of course. I still had anxiety. It did help keep me from dwelling on the worry though.I hope this is your take home baby! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.


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My doctor told me that having one miscarriage does not increase your chances of having a second. So try your best not to stress about a miscarriage, because there’s a higher likelihood that you won’t have one, and stress is bad for you and the baby


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I was the same - fell pregnant after a year but miscarried at 13 weeks.Then fell after another year and we were both so nervous.Every time I went to the toilet I dreaded seeing pink like I had before. The only thing which reassured me a little was awful morning sickness - decided I was either definitely pregnant or very ill!!My hubby was just as nervous and on the day of our first scan he was much more frightened than meI spoke to my GP at my booking appointment and he said he sees so many women like me, all terrified, all worried but promised that he sees lots and lots of new mummies and babies.My rainbow daughter is now ten months Congratulations and best wishes for your pregnancy


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I felt exactly the same way you did.. got a positive.. had a miscarriage. Got another positive.. I'm nearly 28 weeks and still constantly check the toilet paper. Just try and be positive, as hard as it is.. just keep calm and relax. Have faith everything will be okay. 🥰 Congratulations Momma!!!


Posted at
I’m in the same boat as you, had a mc last May and finally got pregnant this month, I asked my doctors office to do blood work and watch my hcg levels and they did three times last week and everything is rising like it’s supposed to and this helped me breath a little more. I don’t think the worry will every go away completely but it is helping me stress a little bit less. All the luck too you!