My Recent Pregnancy Story.

Sydney • Married. Blessed by the Lord.👼 july2019. 🌈👶 Due: 12•2020

*Backstory: Hubs and I have been trying for 7 months for our first. (I know that's not long at all) He is 26. I'm 25. Married for 2 years now.*

-We are very blessed because last Wednesday we got a positive. Yay! We were over the moon! So excited to tell our family and closest friends. And we told them. We told them that we were very early and anything could happen. I got bloodwork done on friday to see my hcg. Everything seemed to be looking up. We were on cloud nine. But Sunday came, I woke up to go to work and went to the restroom and saw the dreaded red. It was light so I tried to not get worked up about it. As the day went on, the red just got darker. I left work and found out it was a early chemical pregnancy. My husband and I are very sad and just heartbroken. I know my situation probably happens all the time. And I know it could have been worse.

(I couldn't imagine being further along where I could have heard the heartbeat or seen the baby. Have the nursery ready then not come home with a baby. I give those women all the respect in the world.)

I know we will be fine and we try again this cycle. Life moves on and so will we. From this experience, I've learned how much we both want to be parents and my love for my husband has grown tremendously. I believe our marriage has grown through this. (We both believe that there is reason why the Lord put us in current situations throughout our life.) We have learned we don't want tell everyone so early. We want it to be our secret and be there for each other as the next pregnancy progresses.

This post was to just write my feelings down, share my story and maybe hear some other stories from you ladies.

Thanks for reading 💜