This Is a Dream I Had the Other Night

We were at somebody else’s house and this poodle kept trying to bite my face off but instead it kept only biting my hair. I remembered there were leftovers from dinner (they were wings) and Kelli asked me to bring her some while she was sitting in a brown leather recliner. She was mad at me but I was mad at her too because she already had like 20 fucking wings on her plate! So when I went to the fridge to grab some from the

tubberware container I decided not to and just left the kitchen... well tried to leave because that’s when the poodle started attacking me.... so I ran out of the kitchen and all of the sudden I was in the middle of nowhere but I was walking on these railroad tracks that were like next to a thruway. It was only me, there were no cars or any other humans around and it felt like somewhere I had never been before. Somehow while I was walking I lost my phone on the tracks and just didn’t care ig because I decided I’d come back and look for it after I got to my destination (which was weird because I didn’t have one). So I approach this weird hill, there’s no other way to explain but as something that would be in a Dr. Suess book, so I get to the top of the hill and see a huge mansion, and I see people next to it on the bottom of the hill talking and laughing at each other.There’s two guys facing the one and I realize the third guy is my ex. I watch him laugh and smile and I feel like I shouldn’t be there, I turn to leave and just as I do we lock eyes. I scream and turn to run but not realizing the hill is all Dr. Suess-like I fall down it instead of running. I hear him yell my name and sense he’s chasing after me.... finally he catches up to me and pulls me into him, it feels wrong but also like this was bound to happen. He tells me to calm down and that he’ll walk me back to my coworkers house... So we’re walking along the tracks and we spark a conversation. It’s exactly how I remember us being. His bright energy when he tells me something hilarious, me laughing like a school girl, and his bright smile that follows when he makes me laugh. It’s so surreal it makes me sick. I stop moving and he stops with me, I look up and stare straight into his eyes and say, “....I threw my phone somewhere on the other side of the tracks...” (why did dream me decide to say this in such a dramatic way? I have no clue). He runs over and instantly just magically finds it... so I hug him, and for some reason he assumes that means we’re hooking up, so he kisses me. My first thought is, I never thought my first kiss after my ex would be my ex... And for some reason that upset me. I didn’t like that he got in my head again. I wasn’t supposed to be with him and I knew that. He had an amazing personality and yet behind closed doors he was the definition of a sociopath.

There were a few other things after we kissed in my dream that happened, but I don’t really want to get into that. I just wanted to share my dream because tbh with anyone who’s reading this.... I haven’t seen my ex in about 8 months. I’ve been really great about it, I unfollowed him, I haven’t drunk texted him, I haven’t thought about him much really. And so this dream really shook me.... it might seem like nothing but to me this is terrifying. Why would I ever dream about him or even think about kissing him or just anything. I thought I was past this and now I guess I might not be ? This dream feels like a set back. Dream experts please help me.