Wanting to give up nursing

My son has always had issues nursing.. (over supply, too fast a letdown, and now I have an under supply but potentially still a fast letdown?) He has been refusing to nurse for a while now. It started out as refusing once a day for no reason. Then a few feedings a day. Now he refuses to nurse all day except for the first feed of the day and once during the night. He prefers taking a bottle, whether it be pumped milk or formula. I am ready to throw in the towel.. but I really didn't want to wean until he starts sleeping through the night. Is it even possible to only produce milk at night/first thing in the morning, or will I need to pump all day? I'm currently pumping whenever I find the time but it's difficult. I don't produce much as it is, and I'm just so over the time and effort it took to last this long breastfeeding 😥