Sexless marriage

My husband and I are both in our 20s (I’m 24, he is 26)

We’ve been together for almost 6 years and we are going to celebrate 3 years of marriage this year.

He is great , we are getting along great together, we are true best friends. However, this is where it ends. Our intimate life is non existent.

I have to ask him for a good night kiss and he always make me feel like he is doing me a favor.

It’s been couple months since we had sex.

We probably had it like 5-6 times this year.

And sucks. He finishes like 30 sec after we start. I’m usually never ready and I never finish myself because I don’t have enough time. Honestly, even though I want to have sex, sometimes I don’t want to put myself through this “pain.” It’s like his first time every time. He doesn’t go down on me (I do), he doesn’t really make me ready. He just does it and I’m thankful that we at list have something.

He is big into computer games and bikes. After work, this is the first thing he does - playing with his friends online video games.

I also know that he watches porn.

I don’t mind it but I feel like I’m living with a roommate.

The thing is, I’m really not comfortable to talk to him about it. I know that’s the right thing to do but I just...I can’t. I’m shy to tell him and I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

I feel horrible about it, but I’ve been having dreams with other guys in it. And I wake up craving other man touch.

Anyway, I just want to see if anyone has/had a similar situation and what your advice would be. I’m not looking for someone to judge me or shame me, I’m just looking for an advice because I literally have no one to talk to.