Anyone use the mini pill ? How were your periods?


So I was out on the mini pill and I was on it for like 7 months. 2 months ago I stopped bc of insurance reasons and I haven't called to renew it.

I had break through bleeding on and off while on it but nothing major. In June I got my period for real. It was like before I had gotten pregnant. My husband and I had unprotected sex like right around when I ovulated, I know how my CM usually is so I can tell 99 percent of the time (stupidly we weren't trying to get pregnant again). However I forgot the date my period was due but I KNOW I had it on June 22nd and I know it was a few days in.

Anyway I've literally had egg white CM since I thought I ovulated. I've had cramps on and off thought my period was coming. Took a few tests bc nothing was happening. Negative. And then I took an ovulation test on the 22ns and it was super positive. I'm SO confused? Why would I ovulate on the day I was supposed to get my period

My question is, has pregnancy and the mini pill messed up my cycle still? Or is something else going on. I've taken 2 pregnancy tests 4 days apart and both were negative. This was today's ovulation test. Looks negative now compared to how it was 2 days ago. But still not that faint. Idk what to think. And I'm worried that I'm going to end up pregnant and not know it! (Will post test in comments)

Any insight or thoughts would be great! Thank you!