My ex

My ex left me a year ago I’ve been completely heart broken he’s my first love which hurts it always does , I’m starting to talk to this guy he’s super sweet and I like him a lot about a month to 3 weeks ago my ex said he wanted me back and the guy I’m talking to we’re just kinda talking on text not really hanging out and my ex said he wanted me back I gave it ago and he than said he wanted to remain friends until he thought it through and I was like alright , than today I hung out with the guy I’m talking to we went out to lunch and it was wonderful my ex is calling me texting me non stop during this time so I finally give in and says what’s up . Hes crying a few hours later I come home and I was taking my dog for a walk and I happen to send my ex a picture. He’s close to my house and decided to talk to me in person he broke down crying to me and he doesn’t cry ever he bottles everything . It was the most heart breaking thing I don’t know if this is a guilt trip or what but he was saying he almost passed out at work because he’s so scared of loosing me. So id like opinions