Does the distance ever just..

Feel like it’s literally breaking your heart? I’ve had a rough few days and really missing my ldr..we talk on the phone and text all the time but I really just wish I had his arms to run to. I’ve had a feeling like my heart is literally breaking when I get to missing him. I guess maybe it’s mixing with my anxiety about things lately and making it feel more intense.

Anyone else ever get this? How do you deal with it? We’re 8+ hours away from each other and he tries the best he can from so far away which I absolutely adore him for. I’ve never had an ldr before and the challenges are definitely...unique..😔


So we met online roughly 4-5 years ago. There is an age gap and to be honest at the time we met I loved him but I was young and wasn’t appreciative of him or what he had to offer and didn’t know how to handle someone I couldn’t actually be present with. I’ll be mature and admit that. We reconnected and all of those feelings were awakened in me again. I’m now ready to love him to the fullest, appreciate everything he is and take the next steps. I love him and I have no doubt I want to live life with him. We’ve never met but are going to within the next month. I got called crazy and everything else on here before for being excited to meet with him finally and take the next steps. Kind of made me feel ashamed for my excitement which is a reason this is an anon post. But I’m a believer in love and the heart knows what it wants.