The spark is dead :/

I thought I was going to marry my current boyfriend and now I’m questioning even staying with him. I feel like this is so shallow and stupid of me to base our relationship off of but that feeling I had when we first started dating is just gone. It makes me want to cry. I love him so much I really do but lately I feel like he’s given up. He doesn’t try how he used to and whenever I get ready like it’s our first date he doesn’t even notice or care it feels like. I’m scared to address this with him because I don’t know how to without hurting his feelings. All he does now is fart nonstop and complain about how he’s so tired. I feel like he’s gotten used to me being around and has also showed me his true colors. He knows that I love going out and when we first started dating we’d always go out and the last couple of months he’s been avoiding crowds and saying that they make him anxious.

I don’t know what to think. I don’t know if he’s changed or if he was trying to be someone I’d like when we first started dating. We had so many plans together and even if they’re small plans he just cancels them. I just feel like it’s over before it’s actually over over. What do I do?