Blaring positive OPK was actually my BFP!


Sooo, my husband and I weren’t actively trying for a baby (we were planning to start TTC in January) but we got carried away and had sex during my fertile window (3days before I got a positive OPK). I thought maybe I would end up pregnant and obsessively tested from 5dpo until 14dpo. I kept getting negatives every single time and then started my period right on schedule.

My period ended about three days ago but yesterday and today I noticed a bunch of egg white cervical mucus so I decided to take an OPK even though I’m not supposed to ovulate for another week. I got a blaring positive. I posted about it in my due date group on Facebook because I thought it was weird and a bunch of the ladies told me to take a pregnancy test because OPKs can pick up pregnancy hormones.

I ended up getting a test and reeeally didn’t expect to see a positive. A couple minutes later I looked down and THERE IT WAS! I’m still in complete shock and disbelief. I’m so afraid to get too excited. I’m hoping this is the real deal and I’m not just picking up hormones from a miscarriage (since I did have a full blown legit period). Anyone have any positive stories or encouragement they can share? I’m gonna call my OB first thing in the morning!